Thursday, July 14, 2016

Autodesk Free Resources

 Free Resources

Click on the image to access Autodesk website
You can download Free Viewer, Free Trial or Free Software for Students.

Layout tab

Right-click on the Layout tab

You can dock the Layout tab above Status Bar or inline with Status Bar


Serach for the command in Help window

If the right pane display "Find", click on the Find link, an animated red arrow  point to the location of the tool, including Status bar and Application menu.

Revision Cloud

Revision cloud provide more flexibility
Annotate tab > Markup panel > Revision Cloud

It includes 3 methods of creation: Rectangular, Polygonal, Freehand.
Revision Cloud generated by:
Circle - Center grip and 4 quadrant grips
Pick polygonal points - Vertex and midpoint grips

A new Modify option enables you to draw new revision cloud segments and erase selected portions of existing revision cloud

Dimension command enhancements

DIM command is more effective with Object Snap turn off
Annotate tab > Dimensions panel > Dimension

Dimensions created by the DIM command are automatically placed on the specified layer

DIM command automatically creates appropriate dimensions based on the selected object types
Select horizontal or vertical line - Linear
Select line other than horizontal and vertical - Aligned
Select an arc - Radius
Select a circle - Diameter
Select 2 lines which are not parallel - Angular

Text wrap in Dimension

The AUGI #8 wishlist request
When editing dimension text, a width sizing control is displayed above the text.

You can adjust the width of the text wrapping

Multiline Text Frame

The AUGI %5 wishlist request

A new Text Frame property has been added to MText objects, enable you to create a border around the Mtext object.

Geometric Center Object Snap

The #2 AUGI wishlist request hase been granted.

Snap to the center of closed polyline object 

Isometric Line Grid

The isometric line grid updates when change the isoplane

Move & Copy Enhancement

When move or copy a large number of objects in 2D wireframe visual style, the preview is generated quickly.

Xref Enhancements

Control the display (On or Freeze) of layers of objects in xref drawings that were not set to "ByLayer"

To distinguish layers in Xref drawings from layers in host drawing, the xref layers shown in gray.
Xref layers no longer displayed in Properties palette

Section Object

Section Plane create a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects, including solid, surface, mesh, region and point cloud.

A new Slice type has been added to the section object

The Flip grip now displayed on the side of the plane opposite the visible model instead of on the same side as the visible portion of the model.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Point Cloud

AutoCAD 2016 offers significant enhancements to make working with point clouds easier and more efficient.

Section Plane

Create section objects by orthogonal orientations or specify 2 points

Extract Section Lines

Point Cloud tab > Extract panel > Section Lines
Generate section lines from the Section Plane on point cloud

Set the maximum points to process and displayed the estimted time

Section geometry is created

Dynamic UCS

Point cloud now support Dynamic UCS
You can draw on the face of a point cloud by Dynamic UCS

Render engine

A new rendering engine in AutoCAD 2016
This physically based path tracing renderer provides a simpler way to render in AutoCAD that can produce better results

You can specify the image size and resolution

Choose Automatically save render image to file, including BMP, TGA, TIF, JPEG and PNG formats.

Render Preset List enabling to control the render quality by levels (Low, Medium, High) or time:
Coffee-Break Quality - 10 minutes
Lunch Quality - 60 minutes
Overnight Quality - 12 hours

You can create, modify or delete custom render presets by Render Preset Manager.

Render history is displayed in the expanded section of the render window

Navisworks Support - AutoCAD 2016

AutoCAD 2016 supports attaching Autodesk Naviswork files, in either *.nwd or *.nwc format.